STAY 4 ROMANTIC NIGHTS FOR TWO PERSONS When you check-in you need to present a credit card, This is to establish your credit while at Embarcadero. There Will Be No Room Charge, You're Our Guest, But when you get home tell everyone about us please. The Embarcadero has assigned you a Personal Guest Hostess to make sure Your stay is Fun Filled and Problem Free. Your Hostess will present You with Your Welcome Package. |
Eat right on the dock or beside the pool, Have them fix those eggs just the way you like Fresh Fruits, Mexican Fresh Baked Pastry! AND Resort Tour and Orientation All this will take about one hour and a half. Then "Free Time" Explore all the little places in the Marina or start building that Tan, play Golf or play Tennis. Because We Have Another Treat For Tomorrow. |
This is an All Day Cruise leaves the dock at 9:00 AM. They serve breakfast, and lunch. Plus sodas, beer, mix drinks all day! |
This is many of Puerto Vallarta' visitor's most enjoyable day. You'll have a chance to snorkel the Arcos. Then on South to a native fishing village. Step back into time, beaches that seem to have never been touched, horse back ridding up to water falls, a Special Day. |
Now you have Two More Days, which will give you some special time to yourselves.
Puerto Vallarta is full of interesting things to do and see. There is a river beside the Mercado (City Market) which has an island in the middle with restaurants and shops on it.
A Trip to Vallarta is not complete until you eat at Willie's (not really the name is Viejo Vallarta) Willey just runs it. A T-bone Steak That will run about 20 OZ. for 10 - 12 bucks and a sexy coffee to die for.
Then go to Ixtapa (a little village just outside of Vallarta) SEAFOOD WOW! I swear they must give you a kilo (2.2 lbs.) Shrimp, Lobster, Fish, Crab, Shellfish, all for about $8.00 US. Then there is that Brazilian restaurant where they have all the steak you can eat for $9.95. They just keep bringing it to you until you scream no more... nada mas... I'm full, I can't eat another bite.
But I'm sure that you will find out about all these places and more during the Orientation,
Your first morning with us at Embarcadero.
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